Invisalign® is a series of custom aligner trays made of smooth, near-invisible plastic. You wear them similarly to a retainer, and they are designed to comfortably and gradually shift and realign your teeth over time. Here at Westwood Family Dental, we will scan your teeth with iTero scanner. From the digital images taken a 3D model will be created which then our doctors will plan the movement of your teeth and develop a custom treatment plan that fits the best for you.
Every four weeks you will return to the office, where we will create a new set of aligners for you to wear until you’re satisfied that your teeth are realigned, and your treatment is complete. For best results, you should wear your aligner trays 20-22 hours a day.
Invisalign is non-invasive, and there are no metal brackets or wires that can irritate and poke your gums. While there are other methods of teeth straightening, Invisalign offers the most benefits, including:
The gradual, strategic movement of the teeth happens more quickly with Invisalign, and the trays are removable. That makes them a top choice for many people who dislike the thought of consistently wearing a retainer, tray, or metal brace of any kind.
After your treatment, you may need to wear a retainer made from the same material as the aligners every night to assure optimal results. You’ll need follow-up visits to maintain the results and ensure that your dental health is in excellent condition. For more information about the many benefits of Invisalign®, schedule an appointment with us by calling Westwood Family Dental today at (310) 441-8888.