Millions of people all over the world have a fear of the dentist. Children, teens, and even adults are afraid to sit in the dentist’s chair. Some fears stem from an early traumatic experience, while others could come from listening to parents tell horror stories about their family dentist. Luckily, times have changed and thanks to modern sedation dentistry with Westwood Family Dental, you can feel confident knowing that you can go ahead and schedule that appointment for a filling or cleaning without a second thought.
If your dentist recommends Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry, our doctors will prescribe you a sedative that you will take before you arrive for your scheduled treatment. If you are affected with a more serious degree of dental anguish our doctors from Westwood Family Dental may prescribe an oral conscious sedative to take the night before your appointment one hour before you go to bed.
Inhalation Conscious Sedation Dentistry, also known as laughing gas, is used by over 45 percent of all dentists in the United States. Inhalation Conscious Sedation Dentistry is successful with patients who suffer from mild to moderate dental anxiety.
Although the sedation techniques above are used effectively for men, women and children, over 90 percent of people in American may need to be put under completely with General Anesthesia.